terça-feira, 25 de março de 2008

Game Genie Parte 1 - Bonanza Bros e Alex kidd

Primeiro vamos ensinar como usar os códigos game genie no emulador:

Vá ao meno File (Arquivo) >> Game Genie
Digite o código em "CODE"
Depois aperte em ADICIONAR (ADD)
Depois dê OK e abra o jogo

Vá ao menu "GAME GENIE MENU" e aperte ENTER
Depois vá em "ADD CODE"
Digite o código
Aperte ENTER
Depois dê enter mais uma vez e veja se há um * na frente do código
Se tiver, deu tudo certo

Hoje vamos por somente códigos de game genie de dois jogos

ATENÇÃO: Está em inglês a explicação dos códigos :(

Alex Kidd in the enchanted castle

1 AFBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 2
2 AKBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 3
3 APBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 4
4 AVBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 5
5 AZBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 6
6 A3BT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 7
7 A7BT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 8
8 BBBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 9
9 BFBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 10
10 BKBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 11
11 DKBA-BC1A Start with 1 life
12 DVBA-BC1A Start with 2 lives
13 D3BA-BC1A Start with 3 lives
14 H3BA-AG9A Start with 4 lives
15 N3BA-A8SA Start with 6 lives
16 NVBA-A8SA Start with 8 lives
17 NKBA-A8SA Start with 10 lives
18 A3ST-B64Y 100 Baums needed to continue
instead of 1000
19 BBST-B64Y 500 Baums needed to
continue game
20 GBST-B64Y 3000 Baums needed to
continue game
21 ABST-B64Y Game can always be continued
22 CKST-B64Y Game can never be continued
23 AWNA-B68E Gold coin worth 50 Baums
instead of 10
24 A4NA-B68E Gold coin worth 100 Baums
25 B4NA-B68E Gold coin worth 1000 Baums
26 ACNA-B68E Gold coin worth nothing
27 ALPT-B662 Bag of gold worth 10 Baums
instead of 100
28 BCPT-B662 Bag of gold worth 500 Baums
29 B4PT-B662 Bag of gold worth 1000 Baums
30 ACPT-B662 Bag of gold worth nothing
31 HCRA-BJXA Doll prize worth 2 extra lives
instead of 1
32 HCRA-BNXA Doll prize worth 3 extra lives
33 ALRA-AA5A Doll prize worth nothing
34 AKGA-B64A + AMBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 10 Baums
35 AVGA-B64A + AXBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 50 Baums
36 A3GA-B64A + A5BA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 100 Baums
37 BBGA-B64A + BDBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 500 Baums
38 B3GA-B64A + B5BA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 1000 Baums
39 ABGA-B64A + ADBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games are free
40 RG4A-A610 + HC4T-BAAN + Alex always wins at Janken
41 9NDA-B93Y Alex jumps higher
42 9EDA-B93Y Alex jumps much higher

Bonanza Brothers:

1 AJBT-AAF6 Start on stage 2
2 ANBT-AAF6 Start on stage 3
3 AYBT-AAF6 Start on stage 4
4 A2BT-AAF6 Start on stage 5
5 A6BT-AAF6 Start on stage 6
6 BEBT-AAF6 Start on stage 7
7 BJBT-AAF6 Start on stage 8
8 BNBT-AAF6 Start on stage 9
9 BYBT-AAF6 Start on stage 10
10 AECA-CAF8 + AE2T-CACA + AE4T-CAEW Start clock at 1 minute
instead of 3
11 AJCA-CAF8 + AJ2T-CACA + AJ4T-CAEW Start clock at 2 minutes
12 A2CA-CAF8 + A22T-CACA + A24T-CAEW Start clock at 6 minutes
13 BECA-CAF8 + BE2T-CACA + BE4T-CAEW Start clock at 9 minutes
14 LTDA-CA8T Infinite time
15 968T-B946 + AE8T-AADW Sets player lives lower limit
on option screen to 1
16 968T-B946 + BN8T-AADL Sets player lives upper limit
on option screen to 9
17 AA6T-AAGJ + 3T6T-BF8L Player 1 starts with 25 lives
18 AA6T-AAHR + 3T6T-BF9T Player 2 starts with 25 lives
19 AA2T-CACW + 3T2T-DF4Y Player 1 continues with 25 lives
20 AA4T-CAFE + 3T4T-DF7G Player 2 continues with 25 lives
21 PBKT-AA68 Infinite lives--player 1
22 PVLA-AA3L Infinite lives--player 2
23 AT2T-CA3E Infinite credits--player 1
24 AT4T-CA50 Infinite credits--player 2

Um comentário:

Clarissa. disse...

HUUUm...muito informativo o teu blog...pra quem se liga em tais coisas!!..Parabéns.